Counseling / Therapy

"Your path is beautiful and crooked and just as it should be."

You are likely here because life kind of sucks right now.  You are feeling lost, spinning in different directions and unsure of who you are or how you should…BE.  But here’s some good news:  You will make it through.  Not only will you make it through, but you will come out as a stronger, empowered, fiercely capable woman, for at least two reasons:  1 –  Because you are awesome; and 2 – because you are seeking assistance from a pro.  Let’s be clear – this is tough work, and I can’t and won’t do it for you.  But I will be your support and compass along the way.  We’ll have some deep talks, and some fun ones, too.  Therapy isn’t all “tell me about your problems” – it can be light, silly, relaxing, and always genuine.  In my office, there is a big, comfy seat where I invite you to kick off your shoes, curl up your legs, and chat awhile.  Let’s figure out your life together.